Glenn Moore – Destination Broome
The breathtaking Horizontal Falls, located in the Buccaneer Archipelago, has become one of the Kimberley’s most iconic attractions. These unique tidal waterfalls, created by powerful ocean currents and massive tides rushing through narrow gorges, have offered an exhilarating wilderness adventure with seaplane arrival in Talbot Bay, lunch and refreshments on a floating oasis culminating in a thrilling fast boat pass through falls since the late 1990’s. However, due to increasing environmental concerns, restrictions on traversing through the falls are now set to take effect commencing 2026, until finally ceasing completely at the end of the 2028 season. Visitors will still then be able to experience the Horizontal Falls beauty and power from scenic flights and newly created experiences ensuring this natural wonder is preserved for future generations. But there will be no more fast boat traversing through the gap after 2028 so there are only a few years left to experience the sheer thrill of Horizontal Falls before these changes take place. Check our tide chart for the tidal range around your tour day & time.